Guitar practice

How to Practise if You Only Have Limited Free Time to Commit


Practising guitar: one of the weekly tasks that often fall by the wayside for some of us with busy lives. So how do we find the time to practise if we only have limited free time to commit? Schedule in your practise Gym training, school pickups, your kid's basketball game, after-work drinks with your buddies, date night. Life is busy, and no matter where we look, it is often hard to find a little slice of free time for guitar practice. This is why it will be incredibly important and valuable for us to schedule in our practice time. Just [...]

How to Practise if You Only Have Limited Free Time to Commit2024-06-28T13:15:41+01:00

Getting Back to Guitar After the Holidays (how to get back in the groove!)


Going on holidays is lots of fun, but often when we come home we find that our fingers don’t want to do what we tell them to do when picking up a guitar for the first time. Try these simple tips for getting back in the groove with your guitar practice after returning from a holiday.Start simpleThere are positives and negatives about coming home from a holiday. Positives: you had a great time, you come home feeling refreshed, you now have a sun tan.Negatives: you get the post holiday blues, you have to go back to work, you fingers are now [...]

Getting Back to Guitar After the Holidays (how to get back in the groove!)2024-06-28T13:11:00+01:00

5 Ways to stay motivated when practising guitar


Discover 5 ways to stay motivated when practising the guitar. Improve your practice routine and improve your guitar playing! All teachers have had conversations with students about practise routines and we’ve all dealt with students who are feeling less than motivated to practise. Here are 5 ways to stay motivated when practising. These tips can be used if you are a teacher with a student feeling the pinch of motivational depression or if you are a student looking to give yourself a boost. 1. Progress Chart For young students, I find progress charts are a great way to encourage them to [...]

5 Ways to stay motivated when practising guitar2021-03-02T11:39:18+00:00
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