Discover the importance of being persistent when you practice the guitar
Learning to play the guitar is wonderful.
It is an exciting new journey full of adventure when you are just starting out.
Once you have played the guitar for a little while, it can then at times become challenging.
As human beings, we thrive upon a new product, a new idea, a new movie… The word ‘new’ has an amazing appeal and we love anything that is NEW!
The problem is, that when we first start learning the guitar, the whole process is new and wonderful but in time new will become old.
Therefore, learning to play the guitar requires dedication and persistence beyond the initial honeymoon period of NEW!
Time and again in my guitar studio in central London I see human behaviour and psychology at work.
Most students behave in the same way… the first 3 months is exciting, then gradually learning becomes more of a chore and less fun.
The truth is, learning to play the guitar does not always need to be 100% fun.
Fun is obviously important, but there is a time for serious study and serious study requires persistence and the ability to at times do things we do not really like.
Of course, overall playing and practising the guitar should be fun, but you also need solid discipline to keep going when things get a little tough!
Let’s say you set out to learn a Metallica guitar solo note-for-note.
The first few months of learning the solo are fun and overall pleasant experience.
By the fourth month, things get pretty difficult.
That is when most people give up.
The secret is to then persist and continue practising the solo especially the difficult bits until you really master each concept within the solo.
Take for example sweep picking.
You may be terrible at sweep picking right now, but with dedication and practice, you can increase your sweep picking abilities!
Therefore it is essential that you cultivate the habit of continual perseverance and persistence!
When you keep improving a little bit each day, it will all add up to a big change over a period of a year!
The big question is how do you cultivate this wonderful habit?
The key is starting small and build up your ability to persist and practise guitar on a consistent basis.
Perhaps you can only manage 20 minutes of dedicated, persistent practice each and every day.
Start there and then build towards doing 30 minutes, later 45 minutes and eventually 60 minutes per day. (, Of course, you can do much more than 60 minutes per day, but that is already a fantastic goal!)
If you are faithful in little, you will be faithful in much!
So the secret is to START today with what you can!
Do not try to overdo it…. do what you can manage and then build upon that!
In addition to a set schedule, great guitar education will definitely help you succeed!
During your guitar lessons, you can speak to your guitar instructor and share your frustrations. He or she can then kindly guide you into developing your ability to persist.
In my own guitar studio, I always encourage my students and I help them get back on the path to dedicated, serious daily practice wherever possible!
Practice the same thing day in and day out
The most successful guitarists in the world have a set practice regime.
Sure, it will vary a little from time to time, but a set DEDICATED practice routine is what made them into the giants they are today!
I always advise working out left and right-hand technique and then moving unto the different parts of music playing.
Always warm-up prior to developing your playing and do take frequent breaks.
From time to time, you can also turn up the volume and just jam the guitar.
But if you really want to be a successful player, then you have to cultivate a SET practice regime day in, day out!
It should be a little boring at times… repetitive exercises is the key to great technique.
You should also consider keeping a journal.
You can then jot down your speed, knowledge and most of all you can COMPETE with your journal.
Competing with yourself is a BIG secret.
If you compete aggressively with yourself then you will make MASSIVE progress.
From time to time, you will need to adjust your goals and practice material. That is absolutely fine.
Just stick to a set logical methodology of practice.
Try to practice every day (5-6 days a week) and be SUPER consistent!
If you follow the advice in this article, I guarantee that you will get closer to your ultimate guitar dream sooner than later!
I wish you the GREATEST SUCCESS in your guitar journey going forward!
Tags: Guitar advice, Guitar discipline, Guitar methodology, Guitar motivation, Guitar tips, Guitar wisdom