Adult guitar lessons

7 Tips For Learning The Guitar As An Adult


Take Lessons! Adults need a bit of encouragement the same way that kids do, or even more when trying to find the motivation around work and family commitments! Taking regular lessons with a great tutor will keep you motivated and give you weekly tasks to work on to constantly encourage you to pick up the guitar at home. I always say to my students that the key to seeing progress is short but frequent bursts of practice. This can be incredibly hard to do on your own accord, so the thought of turning up to your weekly lessons and making an [...]

7 Tips For Learning The Guitar As An Adult2022-06-28T09:17:04+01:00

The shocking truth told at last – 90% chance of failure… Unless you study with a great guitar teacher


Finally, you can discover the shocking truth. 90% Of all new learners fail to achieve their goals. The reason for this is sub-par guitar tuition! That is why you can not allow this to happen to you. The guitar mentor you select for your weekly guitar lessons will have a lasting impact for the rest of your life that. You simply cannot take things lightly. You do not want to learn bad technique and have to relearn the guitar. That is effort time and money lost. Save money, save time and learn with the best from day one! You can take [...]

The shocking truth told at last – 90% chance of failure… Unless you study with a great guitar teacher2021-03-01T11:21:59+00:00

Why you need to just get started to become a successful guitarist!


Life happens to all of us... We all experience a fast pace, way-too-busy form of existence, ESPECIALLY if we life in London! The secret is not to let that phase you! You need to take control of things that matter to you. Things like seriously improving your guitar playing. Every day that goes by without you practising and developing your musicality, is simply another wasted day. Being passionate is VERY very important and that is why you have to get started today and FINALLY become the guitarist that you deserve to be! You really do not want 5 years to pass [...]

Why you need to just get started to become a successful guitarist!2020-07-06T10:18:37+01:00

Your guitar instructor: Stefan Joubert


Master Guitar Instructor: Internationally Renowned Guitar Virtuoso, Stefan Joubert Stefan Joubert started learning the guitar at an early age. He originally started learning blues and rock to emulate his favourite guitarists. At high school, he formed, played and sang in a couple of rock/pop bands at private parties and functions. He also started writing meaningful songs and recorded his first rock debut called “Megalorealist” (Stefan Joubert – Vocals, Guitar and Andrew Lester on Bass and Production). From the age, of 15 Stefan Joubert studied classical guitar under Abri Jordaan in South Africa and completed his studies in the mastery of [...]

Your guitar instructor: Stefan Joubert2024-09-07T19:05:33+01:00

Why you are never too old to learn how to play the guitar as an adult


In this video, Stefan Joubert debunks the myth that adults cannot learn how to play the guitar properly. Find out why you are never too old to learn how to play the guitar! The facts are that with great guitar education, a solid practice schedule and hard work, you can achieve all that you set out to achieve with the instrument! It is, however, vital to take top-notch guitar instruction with a solid mentor who can help you become the guitarist that you've always want to be! Make your boldest dreams come true and take that leap of faith to achieve [...]

Why you are never too old to learn how to play the guitar as an adult2020-07-02T09:50:32+01:00

Got the basics mastered? You still need guitar lessons!


So you can play the chords and you have a good understanding of the basics of playing the guitar. Fantastic! The problem is that when many people learn the fundamentals they think that they don’t need guitar lessons in Mayfair anymore. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is that most people aren’t as good at the guitar as they think they are. While you may be able to impress your family and friends with your new-found skills, what about other people? What do you do when you get frustrated with your development? We want to show you why [...]

Got the basics mastered? You still need guitar lessons!2021-03-01T11:25:41+00:00

It’s never too late to take guitar lessons


Retired and looking for a new hobby? Maybe you need something to take your mind off work? The great thing about learning the guitar is that you are never too old to start. While everyday life sometimes takes over, having a hobby that you can set out objectives and work towards is a fantastic way to use your spare time in a productive way. It is also a great stress reliever. People often think that taking guitar lessons in Mayfair or the City is something they should have done 20 years ago. While many guitarists do start in their younger years [...]

It’s never too late to take guitar lessons2021-03-01T11:26:25+00:00

Learning how to play the guitar as an adult


In my private teaching, I often come across many adults who are simply passionate about learning how to play the guitar. Despite the fact that they have to work long hours in stressful and demanding jobs, passionate adult guitar students always find a way to practice. This is one of the reasons why I love teaching adults. Adults make a tremendous effort and spent an enormous amount of energy on a weekly basis to master and practice their instrument. The most incredible thing is, adults who play the guitar for their pleasure can often with enough practice (eventually) become professional guitarists. [...]

Learning how to play the guitar as an adult2020-07-01T19:56:37+01:00
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